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学术报告: Arabidopsis ECERIFERUM9 Gene Involvement in Cuticle Metabolism and Maintenance of Plant Water Status

发表日期:2011-09-26来源:放大 缩小

报告题目:Arabidopsis ECERIFERUM9 Gene Involvement in Cuticle Metabolism and Maintenance of Plant Water Status。

报告人:吕世友(Plant Stress Genomics and Technology Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)





Previous reports reveal how suppression or complete inhibition in the transcription of plant cuticle lipid genes can reduce total cuticle lipid deposition, elevate leaf transpiration rates, and cause early wilting after onset of water deficit. In this report, we identify a unique set of allelic Arabidopsis mutants exhibiting either suppressed or completely inhibited expression of a gene designated ECERIFERUM9 (CER9) and dramatic elevation in the total amount of cutin monomers and a dramatic shift in the cuticular wax profile toward the very long chain free fatty acid (VLCFA) pool. Cuticle membrane thickness over epidermal long cells is also elevated in the cer9 mutant, and the cuticular ledges that extend over the stomatal pore are slightly larger. Furthermore, these compositional changes in cer9 are associated with a delay in wilting in plants experiences water deficiency, and this due to changes in leaf and not root lipids as tested using grafting studies. Importantly, these reduced whole plant transpiration rates are associated with improved water use efficiency, both as reduced carbon isotope discrimination and shifts in gas exchange ratios toward increased uptake of CO2 relative to water vapor. Double mutant analysis reveals that cer9 effects on waxes are strongly epistatic to cer6, cer8, and lacs2, whereas lacs2 was tested and shown to be epistatic to cer9 for synthesis of cutin monomers. CER9 encodes a predicted E3 ligase, potentially involved in targeting cuticle lipid associated proteins for degradation. Taken together, the CER9 gene product appears to be an important regulator of cuticle lipid synthesis associated with the maintenance of plant water status, and so may be useful in the development of new molecular breeding or transgenic strategies for improving drought tolerance in crop plants.

报告人简历 —— 吕世友




2007年1月---2010年9月:博士后, Dept. of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Purdue University.

2010年10月至今:博士后, Plant Stress Genomics and Technology Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology




